Friendship Bracelet RU-201
Travel Time: 24 d

User Comments

  • Ukraine Ree2018.05.16, 13:42:43
    Thank you very much for the letter and the gifts. At first I was confused because I didn't know where the quote is from, but then I read the letter and understood. I have not read this book yet, but I heard of it and now when you advised me to read it I think I will. The ropes are marvelous, and the envelope too. Thanks again! ^_^
  • Russia Beatlomanka2018.06.04, 08:05:12
    Ооо, цитата из "Дом, в котором..." Очень советую прочесть, цитата отлично подходит для того, чтобы быть на феньке. Автор - молодец!
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